How to Build Better Brains!
Your brain is the boss… Your brain and nervous system is responsible for every system and function in the body. Therefore, when we neglect t

What's Your Score and Why it Matters
Many of us keep track of our gas tank level or amount of money in our retirement and/or savings accounts. But very few of us pay...

Ways to Help Your Child's Brain Develop
I recently read a book titled "Ticklish" by Dr. Jennifer Barham-Floreani that discusses many new, simple, proven, research-based ideas...

Tips For Your Baby And The Seattle Heat
As we enter the hottest days of the year here in Seattle we thought it was a good time to give you some ideas and tools to help keep your...

Research Wednesday: Chiropractic and Shorter Labor Times
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...

Research Wednesday: Chiropractic and Infantile Gastroesophageal Reflux
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...

Research Wednesdays: Allergies and Chiropractic
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...

10 Ways to Encourage Healthy Brain Development For Your Child
When our child is born, their brain has far more neurons than we have as adults giving them an enormous capacity to learn and function...

Research Wednesday: Birth Induced TMJ Dysfunction
Welcome to Research Wednesday! Every Wednesday we will dive into some of the latest research when it comes to chiropractic and raising...

OH BABY! Can You Guess Baby Moe's Birthday Correctly?
Let's have fun as we await the arrival of Baby Moe this Month - 5 tickets for guessing Baby Moe's Birth Day correctly - 5 Tickets for...