Vitamin D and Your Health
It has been estimated that 1 billion people are deficient in vitamin D worldwide. Being that the worlds population is 7 billion, 1 in 7 people are deficient in vitamin D. Why is this important to you?
Vitamin D deficiency results in:
Weight Gain
Bone Softening and/or Fractures
Fatigue and Generalized Weakenss
Muscle Cramps or Weakness
Joint Pain (Back Pain)
Blood Sugar Complications
Low Immunity
Low Calcium Levels in Blood
Mood Changes and Irritability
How to increase vitamin D exposure and absorption:
Sunlight ( 20-30 min daily)
Eating Fish
Vitamin D Supplementation (D2)
Egg Yolks
Cod Liver Oil
Ultraviolet Lamps
Living in Seattle, every family can benefit from increasing our vitamin D. Small changes to our lifestyle in addition to regular chiropractic care will help allow families grow healthy and have as much fun as possible.
Be Blessed!